RRB ALP Recruitment 2024: Exam Dates and Admit Card

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rrb alp exam dates

RRB ALP Recruitment: Exam Dates and Admit Card – The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts the Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) recruitment exam to fill various technical posts in the Indian Railways.

The job of an ALP involves operating and maintaining locomotives. In this article, we will discuss the exam dates and admit card for RRB ALP Recruitment.

RRB ALP Recruitment – Exam Dates

The RRB ALP Recruitment exam is conducted in multiple stages. The exam dates for each stage are as follows:

  1. Computer Based Test (CBT) Stage 1: The CBT Stage 1 was conducted from August 9, 2018, to September 4, 2018. The exam consisted of 75 multiple choice questions (MCQs) and was conducted online. The time duration of the exam was 60 minutes.
  2. Computer Based Test (CBT) Stage 2: The CBT Stage 2 was conducted from January 21, 2019, to January 23, 2019. The exam consisted of 100 MCQs and was conducted online. The time duration of the exam was 90 minutes.
  3. Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT): Candidates who qualified in the CBT Stage 2 were called for the CBAT. The CBAT was conducted from May 10, 2019, to May 21, 2019. The CBAT was conducted to test the candidate’s ability to perform various tasks like visualization, spatial orientation, etc.
  4. Document Verification: Candidates who qualified in the CBAT were called for document verification. The document verification was conducted from June 11, 2019, to July 5, 2019.

RRB ALP Recruitment – Admit Card

The admit card for RRB ALP Recruitment is released on the official website of the RRB. Candidates can download the admit card by following the steps given below:

  1. Visit the official website of the RRB.
  2. Click on the link for RRB ALP Recruitment.
  3. Click on the link for the admit card.
  4. Enter the registration number and date of birth.
  5. Click on the submit button.
  6. The admit card will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Download and take a printout of the admit card.

RRB ALP Recruitment – Important Points to Remember

  1. The admit card is a mandatory document to appear for the exam. Candidates should carry the admit card to the exam center along with a valid ID proof.
  2. Candidates should download the admit card as soon as it is released to avoid any last-minute rush.
  3. Candidates should check all the details on the admit card like name, registration number, exam center, etc. Any discrepancies should be brought to the notice of the RRB immediately.
  4. Candidates should carry a recent passport size photograph and a photo ID proof along with the admit card to the exam center.
  5. Candidates should reach the exam center well before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card.


RRB ALP Recruitment is a great opportunity for candidates who want to work in the Indian Railways.

The exam is conducted in multiple stages, and the admit card is released on the official website of the RRB.

Candidates should download the admit card as soon as it is released and carry it to the exam center along with a valid ID proof.

RRB ALP Recruitment: Exam Dates and Admit Card FAQs

When will the RRB ALP exam be conducted?

The RRB ALP exam dates are typically announced on the official website of RRB.

The exact date for the exam varies from year to year, so candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for updates.

In general, the exam is conducted in multiple phases over a period of a few weeks.

How can I download the RRB ALP admit card?

The RRB ALP admit card can be downloaded from the official website of RRB once it has been released.

To download the admit card, candidates need to enter their registration number and password on the official website.

The admit card contains important details like the exam date, time, and venue, so it is advisable to download and print it well in advance.

What is the selection process for RRB ALP?

The selection process for RRB ALP typically involves a computer-based test (CBT), followed by a second stage CBT for those who qualify in the first stage.

The second stage CBT is then followed by a computer-based aptitude test (CBAT) and document verification.

The final selection is based on the candidate's performance in these tests.

What is the syllabus for the RRB ALP exam?

The RRB ALP exam syllabus includes topics like mathematics, general intelligence and reasoning, general science, and general awareness on current affairs.

The exact syllabus may vary depending on the year and the specific RRB conducting the exam, so candidates should check the official website for the latest syllabus.

Is there negative marking in the RRB ALP exam?

Yes, there is negative marking in the RRB ALP exam. For every incorrect answer, one-third of the marks allotted to that question will be deducted.

However, there is no negative marking for unattempted questions. Candidates are advised to carefully read the instructions before attempting the exam.


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